The Address Labels Report creates customizable address labels that are compatible with standard Avery 5160/8160 address label templates. The Report is useful for schools that send physical mail to their students and parents.

To access the Address Labels Report, first click on the Administrator Reports tab and then click on the Address labels button on the bottom right.

Address Labels can be customized in a variety of ways. Using the first row of options, you can control which students will be included in the report. If you click on More Options, additional settings will appear below.

In the second row of options, you can configure what type of salutation you'd like the labels to include, as well as how many labels you'd like to include for each family and even narrow down your selection based on City, Zip Code, and so on.

When you're done editing the appearance of your Address Labels, hit the PDF button at the top of the page to prepare a PDF for printing. Be sure to read the Bold text at the top of the page: Gradelink's Address Labels Report is designed to be used with the Avery 5160/8160 Address Label template, so you may have to adjust your printer settings slightly in order to print the labels correctly. If you would like to perform a test before printing your labels, you can download the Avery template within Gradelink or use the one attached to this article.