With Gradelink, you can keep student 504 and IEP information organized and accessible. 

Here’s what you can do: 

  1. Upload documents to student profiles 
  2. Link Cloud documents to student profiles 
  3. Create IEPs in Gradelink 
  4. Add notes for teachers to access
  5. Document accommodations on report cards
  6. Track daily behavior


To upload documents to student profiles:

  1. Click on the Students tab in the left sidebar
  2. Highlight the student's name in the list of students
  3. Click on the Files button at the top right of the page
  4. Click on the gray Add New button in Administrative Files to access saved IEP/504 documents to add to student's profile
  5. Uploaded PDF will appear in saved files that remain accessible even after the student graduates.  There is no limit to the number of files you wish to upload.


If you want fine-grained control over which staff can access individual student files, consider using platforms like Google Drive or OneDrive which let you manage who can view specific files.  

Is using Google Drive or OneDrive, create a folder for each student.

Upload 504 and IEP files to the respective folders.

Copy the link to the folder and paste it into the student notes in Gradelink.

Only staff with "Student" permission can view the link.  However, even with the link, staff can only view files you choose to share with them.


Staff with Students permission can create IEPs for any student and view past IEPs for any student.  

To get started:

  1. Click on the Students  tab
  2. Select the student for whom you would like to create an IEP
  3. Select the Academics subtab
  4. Select the IEP Progress button

In the Report Date field, enter the date the IEP was assigned, the grade level of the student and an overall description of the IEP.

Click on the drop down menus to select an Area  and Objectives.  You can add up to 5 objectives per area.  Click the green "+" to add more areas.  After adding objectives, you can choose a prompt and mastery level from the drop down menu and any additional notes to the Notes field on the right.  

For illustrated instructions how to customize choices in IEP drop down menus, please click here.

To save the IEP in PDF, Word, or Excel format, click on the IEP Report  button at the top right of the page, then click on the floppy disk icon where you can then select to save as Excel, PDF, or Word.


Student Notes is a great way to share IEP and 504 plan information with a student's teachers.  Only administrators can add information to the student's notes.

Teachers can access the Student notes for any student they teach by clicking on the student's name in the GradeSheet, thus allowing the teacher to view the notes as part of the student's emergency card.


You can use numbered comments to list modifications provided.  

You can also utilize the teacher's comment box to document accommodations provided to the student or create a separate teacher's comment box specifically for accommodations.


Whether a student's behavior is positive, negative, or neutral, schools can easily track it in Gradelink.  Parents can view a behavior log in the app and also receive email alerts.

Schools can choose to rename the Discipline tab to a meaningful name like "Observations" "Incidents", or "Behavior".  This change can be made by clicking on the Settings tab in the left sidebar, entering a different name in the field next to "Tab & Report Title", then clicking on the Save Changes button.

Cautionary Notes

  • Ensure that all staff accessing student files have the appropriate permissions set to maintain confidentiality.
  • Be mindful that private notes entered by teachers are not visible to parents; only the revised comments are shared.
  • Regularly review and update the behavior categories to ensure they remain relevant and useful.

For more information regarding IEPs and 504 plans in Gradelink, please click here.