When an application is started, it will appear in the Workflow tab in EnrollMe. There, Administrators will be able to monitor the progress of the applications and, after they are submitted, review the Submitted applications to decide whether to either Approve or Not Approve the student's application. Once approved, the information in the student applications can then be imported into Gradelink for the upcoming school year.
A. Applications List - Displays all the applications the school has received or that parents have started and are currently working through. The list of applications can be sorted by Session using the drop-down menu at the top of the list (where you can also view applications submitted in past academic years) or by Name and Status using the search fields located above the list of applications. In addition to noting whether the application is for a New Enrollment or a Re-enrollment, the list also notes the current status of the application as well as whether or not the information in an application has been imported into the Students tab of Gradelink.
B. Form Status - This shows what stage in the enrollment process a particular application is in:
Started: The form was started by a parent and is in the process of being completed (Note: This is the only status where the form can still be edited).
Submitted: The parent has filled out all required fields and submitted the application. The application is now ready to be reviewed by the school.
In-Process: This is an optional status used when the parent need to make some kind of modification to their student's application or complete another task in the enrollment process before the student can formally be considered for acceptance into the school.
Pending: This is an optional status used when the form is simply not ready to be approved or denied.
Approved: The application has been accepted, and the student’s data is ready to be imported into the Students tab in Gradelink.
Not Approved: The student's application has been rejected by the school.
Cancelled: The parent began an application for their child but then decided not to pursue the enrollment process further.
C. Status Update History - This displays a record of when an application's status changed throughout the enrollment process.
D. Enrollment Processing Notes - This is where administrators can record private notes related to a student's application that are only visible to other administrators and teachers that have been granted access to EnrollMe.
E. Link to Student and Import to Family ID - These are special fields that only appear for applications marked as New Enrollments. These fields are used in the event that a parent of an existing student in Gradelink accidentally enrolls their child as a New Enrollment instead of a Re-enrollment and allows you to link data from an application to an existing student account, or to link an application to an existing family ID within the school.
F. EnrollMe Online Family Payments - Some schools require application fees or other forms of payment through EnrollMe. Payments made through an application are tracked in this field. The Payments field can also track payments made by the same family for multiple applications of students in the same family.