The View / Export Tab gives Administrators access to a wide variety of reports that summarize student information, including:
- School Roster: A report that summarizes information from the Demographics page, including Student Tags.
- Student Contacts: A report that summarizes information from the Contacts page, including Phone Numbers, Emails, and Mailing Addresses.
- Student Documents: A report that summarizes information from the Documents page.
- Discipline Log: A report that summarizes information from the Discipline page.
- Immune Status: A report that summarizes information from the Immune Status page, including whether or not any students have an exemption.
- Immunizations: A report that summarizes information from the Immunizations page.
- Medical History (Health History Report): A report that summarizes information from the Medical History page.
- Medical Log: A report that summarizes information from the Exams section of the Medical page
- Medications: A report that summarizes information from the Medications page.
- Religious Information: A report that summarizes information from the Religious section of the Documents page.
- Login Info. Memo: A report that summarizes login information for all student and parent accounts.
- Login History (Account Activity Logs): A report that records each time a particular student logs in, logs out, or has that account locked or unlocked.
- Parent Phones Validation: A report that verifies whether or not the phone numbers entered in the Demographics page are considered valid for use with SmartSend Pro.