This guide will show you how to transfer records to Gradelink. You will need Excel and should also be familiar with your school’s records system.

The provided Excel workbook contains multiple sheets dividing records into logical groups. To transfer records into one of the sheets, copy/paste your records into the desired sheet.

Required Fields (columns):

Each sheet has required fields highlighted in red which must be filled in order to import the selected sheet.

Data Types:

Data type refers to the format of the data in each column. The content saved in each column must match its intended format. For example, a date data type requires a date formatted as mm/dd/yyyy and any other date format, such as “May 20th”,  would not be valid.  The data type and an example of the data type are provided as a comment on each column name. Mouse over the column heading to view the comment.

Description of each sheet


Student demographics and contact information. Parents or Guardians should be listed in on this sheet for efficient access to contact information by other staff. Current active students and alumni can be imported in the same sheet.


List awards classes to be taught in the current academic year. This is not a list of classes taught in prior years.


List of staff past and present.


Read only. Cannot be altered.