To add a new post:
- Login and click on the "Posts" tab
- Click "Add New" at the top left
- Enter the public title of the post
- Enter the content (pictures, paragraphs, etc.)
- You can set a "Featured Image" on the bottom right which may display on your website depending on your setup
- Choose which category/categories the post belongs to on the right (this decides which lists the post will show up in)
- You can then save the draft, publish immediately, or publish at a future time on the top right
- To save the draft and finish the post later, click "Save Draft" at the top right
- To publish immediately, click "Publish"
- To publish at a future date (or show a date other than the current one next to the post) click "Edit" above the "Publish" button next to "Publish immediately" and choose the date/time you want the post to display; then click "Publish"