Whether you are generating a WISEid for an individual student by using the Identity tool or for a group of students using the WISEid Export Report, there are several fields pieces of information that can create issues during the WISEid generation process if they aren't recorded in Gradelink. While many of these fields are automatically populated by Gradelink, sometimes these fields are filled out incorrectly or aren't filled out at all.
In the table below, we've compiled a list of information required by WISEdata in order to generate a WISEid. The column on the left lists the fields using the names they are referred to by on the WISEid Export Report, while the corresponding names in Gradelink are listed on the right. You can use this table to determine which fields in Gradelink you need to adjust if you are receiving errors when trying to generate WISEids.
For example, on the WISEid Export Report, you'll see a column with the title "Local Person ID". The data recorded in this column should match the data that appears in the "Student ID" field in the Demographics section of the Students tab in Gradelink. So, if the "Local ID" column on the WISEid Export Report is empty, that means you should make sure that the "Student ID" field in Gradelink is filled out.
WISEid Export Report Column Title | Gradelink Field Title |
Local Person ID ("Local ID") | Student ID |
Last Name | Last Name |
First Name | First / Given |
Birthdate | Date of Birth |
Gender ID ("GenderID") | Gender |
Race Key | Race Codes |
Local Person ID Key Type ("ID Type") | See Note 1 |
Parent 1 Type ("P.1 Type") | See Note 2 |
Parent 1 Last Name ("P.1 Last Name") | Family 1 Father / Guardian |
Parent 1 First Name ("P.1. First Name") | Family 1 Father / Guardian |
Note 1: The Local Person ID Key Type should always be "Student" and is set automatically by Gradelink.
Note 2: Parent 1 Type is derived from the "Family 1" field in the Demographics section of the Students tab. The top field is always interpreted as "Father" while the bottom field is always interpreted as "Mother".