In order to begin using Gradelink's Indiana Data Exchange integration, users need to perform the following steps:

  1. Enter Data Exchange Credentials
  2. Configure Default Settings

To go Administrator Reports > Data Exchange > Settings

To access your credentials and default settings, click on the "Settings" icon that appears at the top of the page between the "Submission" sub-tab and the calendar icon:

Before you can begin using the Data Exchange integration, it is necessary to input your Data Exchange credentials. This includes four pieces of information:

  • Key
  • Secret
  • School ID (also referred to as the DOE School ID)
  • State Org ID

If you don't already have your Data Exchange credentials, the Indiana Department of Education has prepared documentation that outlines how to obtain your Key and Secret which is available here.

The DOE School ID is usually the same as the last 10 characters of the Key with one difference: if your Key contains a letter in the last four characters, replace that letter with its alphanumerical equivalent. For example, if the last four characters of your Key are "C395", then in the DOE School ID field you would enter "3395" because "C" is the third letter in the alphabet.

The State Org ID usually the same as the last 10 characters of the Key with no changes.

After entering your Data Exchange credentials, you should take the time to configure several default Data Exchange settings before attempting to use the integration. These default settings can be grouped into two types: Calendar Settings and Daily Settings.

The first default Calendar Setting is the School Schedule type:

The second default Calendar setting is the Calendar type:

The default Daily Settings include how many instructional minutes occur each school day as well as what time each school day begins and ends:

Once you're done adjusting the default Data Exchange settings, don't forget to click the "Save Settings" button at the bottom of the page.