Download Template
Go to students, admin, import.
Download the template provided.
Required Fields
First name, last name, and grade level are mandatory.
Grade levels must be abbreviated in a specific format.
Old SISID Field
Not mandatory but helpful for importing transcript records.
Includes the student ID from the old SIS system.
Creating New Student ID
GradeLink will generate a new student ID regardless of including the old SIS ID.
Old SIS ID, if included, will be stored alongside the new student ID.
Additional Fields
Email, phone number, and address are optional but can be included.
Detailed explanations available in the documentation link provided.
Importing the File
Save the file as a CSV format.
Drag the file to the designated area for import.
Error Handling
If errors are present, no students will be imported.
A spreadsheet will detail the specific issues (e.g., incorrect grade level format).
Successful Import
If no errors, a green text notification confirms successful import.
Contact the support team for assistance at any stage of the process.