Once "3rd Party Gradebook Sync" has been enabled, Teachers must do the following:

After you finish connecting a Google account to your Gradelink account and granting access to your Google Classroom data, when you are returned to the Gradelink interface you should see the Sync Settings page automatically update: you'll now see a grid containing a list of classes along with several dropdown menus and checkboxes.

In order to actually use the Google Classroom integration, teachers need to set up what Gradelink calls "sync configurations". Sync Configurations determine what data to pull from Google Classroom and where to store it in Gradelink. It's very important to set up your sync configurations correctly, so we'll look at each element on the page one at a time.

The "Sync" Column controls whether or not a particular class in Gradelink should be synced with Google Classroom. When the "sync" box is checked, the rest of the fields in the same row will become active as well.

Note: If you un-check the "Sync" checkbox for a class and click "Save, all other fields for that class - such as "Assignment Type" and "Allow Edits" will be reset.

The "GradeSheet" Column contains a list of all academic classes that you have access to in the active term. If your school has multiple active terms, then the "GradeSheet" column will only display classes that are in the same term as the class that you've selected using the classes dropdown menu at the top of the page. You can tell which term Gradelink is displaying classes for by looking at the term report title appended after the word "GradeSheet".

The "Default Assignment Type" Column is a required field that will automatically populate with all of the assignment types that you've created for each class. In Gradelink, each assignment must have an assignment type. In Google Classroom the corollary is Grade Category. If you do not specify a matching Grade Category for coursework, synced assignments will be associated to the Default Assignment Type you specify here.

Auto Match on Category, if enabled, will automatically associate synced coursework with a specified Grade Category to an identically titled Assignment Type

The "From Google Class" Column is a required field that is used to indicate which class in Google Classroom you would like to pull assignments and grades from. It's important to note that each class in Gradelink can only receive assignments from one Google Classroom class.

The "Mark Excluded Student Score" Column is used in scenarios where a student isn't included in a particular assignment in Google Classroom. This is necessary because unlike Google Classroom, in Gradelink all students are included in each assignment. This field is pre-populated with values from one of Gradelink's built-in grade scales, the Assignment Grade Codes.

The "Allow Edits" Column is used to control whether or not assignments synced from Google Classroom can be edited once they appear in Gradelink. Changes made to assignments in Gradelink are not synced back into Google Classroom, so if you want your grade sheet to always match what you see in Google Classroom, you should make sure this setting is left unchecked.

Note: Private Comments in Google Classroom do not sync to Gradelink. Assignment Comments added on the Gradelink Gradesheet are independent of the Allow Edits setting .

Once you're done setting up your sync configurations, click "Save" at the bottom of the page to continue. 

If any of your sync configurations are invalid, a red exclamation mark will appear next to the invalid field(s). This usually happens if you try to save while one of the required fields is blank.

Only once all classes that are being synced have a valid sync configuration will you be able to save and move on to the final step: syncing assignments and grades from Google Classroom.