Note: This article describes how to generate WISEids in bulk. Gradelink only recommends using this method if you need to generate WISEids for a large number of students at once. If you only need to generate a WISEid for an individual student or for a small group of students, please click here.

Generating WISEids for Students in bulk is a multi-step process that involves exporting data from Gradelink to WISEid and then re-importing the data back into Gradelink. Click on the links below to be automatically taken to that step in the process:

  1. Generate the WISEid Export Report
  2. Upload the WISEid Export Report to WISEid
  3. View Upload Results and Generate the PER
  4. Manage Potential Matches
  5. Import the PER into Gradelink

Step 1: Generate the WISEid Export Report

The WISEid Export Report is a spreadsheet that collects student information from multiple areas in Gradelink and then formats it in a way that aligns with WISE requirements. It is used to import students that don't already have a WISEid associated with their account.

To access the WISEid Export Report:

  1. Go to the Students tab
  2. Select the Admin sub-tab
  3. Click on WISE id export

This report must be downloaded from Gradelink and then submitted to the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction (DPI) via the Secure Home portal. Then, the DPI will generate WISEids for your students, which you will import back to Gradelink.

However, before downloading the report, it's important to look for any missing information that would create an error when attempting to upload it to Secure Home. For more information, please click here.

Additionally, it's important to make sure that you include the correct students on the report. For example, in the "Status" column, make sure to select "Active" to only include active students. Additionally, you'll want to decide whether or not to include non-Choice students by using the "Student Tags" column.

When you are confident that all required information has been entered, click on the Excel icon in the top right corner to download the spreadsheet as a comma-separated value (CSV) file.

Step 2: Upload the WISEid Export Report to WISEid

Login to Secure Home and click on WISEid. Note, your version of Secure Home may look different depending on which applications you have access to.

On the Upload Person Data page, click on Choose File and select the WISEid Export Report that you downloaded from Gradelink. Please make sure that the file extension is .csv.

Once that is done, click Upload.

Step 3: View Upload Results and Generate the PER

After uploading the WISEid Export Report, you need to make sure that all students were uploaded correctly. To do so, click on Manage Person Data and go to the View Upload Results page.

On this page, there are three values that you should pay attention to: Errors, Potential Matches, and Committed.

Errors refer to issues that need to be corrected. The easiest way to correct an error is to make an adjustment to the WISEid Export Report that you downloaded and then re-upload it.

Potential Matches refers to students that partially match information already stored in the WISEid system but need further review. Potential Matches are sometimes created when data recorded in Gradelink doesn't match the data available to the DPI. It's important to review Potential Matches because not doing so can result in duplicate student records. For more information about potential matches, proceed to Step 4 below.

Finally, Committed refers to students that were successfully processed and need no further adjustment or review.

When you have no more potential matches or errors, click Download on the right side of the page to generate the PER spreadsheet.

Step 4: Manage Potential Matches

Occasionally, a student on the WISEid Export Report won't immediately be matched with an existing student in WISEid when uploaded. When that happens, you must either pick an existing student to match with or else create a new student record.

To manage potential matches, go to the Review Matches page under the Manage Person Data tab and click Review on the right side of the page.

On the Resolve Potential Matches page, you'll be shown the student that you uploaded as well as potential matches that WISEid thinks might be the same student. You can click on the 'arrow' icons on the left to expand each record and view additional information.

If none of the potential matches are the same student that you uploaded, then select on "Create a new person" near the bottom of the page and click Next.

Whether are you matching the uploaded student with an existing WISEid record or creating a new person record, you'll be taken to a new page where you'll need to confirm your decision by clicking Accept.

Step 5: Import the PER into Gradelink

Once you have downloaded the PER file from Secure Home, you need to import it into Gradelink in order to assign the WISEids that have been created for your students.

To import the PER:

  1. Go to the Students tab
  2. Select the Admin sub-tab
  3. Click on Import

On the Import Students page, click on the Browse button and select the PER file. Gradelink will let you know when the import process is done as well as how many students were imported.