After completing any remaining tasks in the Validation tab, you're ready to go to the Submission tab and actually submit data to Data Exchange.

There are essentially two ways to submit data: submitting all at once or submitting individual resources one at a time. To submit all resources at once, simply ensure you have the correct Calendar Year selected and then click Submit/Update All Data.

Note: Data Exchange refers to Calendar Years using the date on which the school year ends. For example, Calendar Year 2021 would refer to a school year which begins in 2020 and ends in 2021.

Each resource has its own sub-tab on the left side of the page. To submit individual resources, you'll need to navigate to each sub-tab and click the corresponding Submit button. These sub-tabs will display either a green check mark or a red exclamation mark depending on whether the latest submission was successful or failed, respectively. Clicking on each sub-tab will provide additional information about the submission, such as when the last submission took place and any differences between the two most recent submissions. 

Gradelink submits fifteen resources to Data Exchange. Let's take a look at each resource in more detail; for simplicity, we'll group them into four basic categories:

"School Year" resources include:

"Attendance" resources include:

"Student and Parent" resources include:

"Staff" resources include:


The Calendar resource submits a Calendar Type and School Schedule Type for a particular school year. These values are configured in the Data Exchange Settings page.

If you haven't already configured these values, please click here.

Calendar Dates

The Calendar Dates resource generates a "Student Calendar" record for every day of the school year, excluding non-instructional days. 

The length of the school year is determined by the Start and End Date of Terms configured in the Terms tab, as well as the Start Month and End Month configured in the Gradelink Settings tab. For more information about configuring Terms for Data Exchange, please click here.

Grading Periods and Sessions

The Grading Periods resource submits the Begin Date, End Date, and Total Days for each Grading Period configured in the Terms tab.

The Sessions resource submits the Begin Date, End Date, and Total Days for each Session.

If Grading Periods and Sessions sound similar, it's because they are: to borrow Gradelink terminology, Sessions are "Parent Terms" while Grading Periods are "Child Terms". From a data submission perspective, though, they are functionally identical - so you shouldn't be surprised if some of the data looks the same. 

For example, the "First Six Weeks" and "Second Six Weeks" grading periods shown above belong to the "First Trimester" session. Therefore, combining the Begin Date from the First Six Weeks, the End Date of the Second Six Weeks, and the Total Days from both grading period matches the same attributes for the First Trimester session.


While Gradelink submits a large variety of Student data to Data Exchange, the Students resource specifically only includes a small selection of data, including the Student's First and Last Name, Test Service ID (here "Unique ID"), Birth Date, and Gender

It's important to note how the submissions are divided into two categories:

  • The first category lists new records that were created during the most recent submission
  • The second category lists all records currently submitted to Data Exchange

These two categories are used for all other resources, making it easy to understand what is and isn't submitted to Data Exchange.

Student School Associations

The Student School Associations resource submits the Student's Name, Grade Level, and Unique ID, as well as the Student's Entry Date.

Attendance Dates

The Attendance Dates resource tracks the total Number of Attendance Entries recorded on each Attendance Date.

If you click on one of the chevron icons, you can expand each Attendance Date entry to view individual attendance values for each student included in the submission.

Student Education Organization Associations

The Student Education Organization Associations resources submits data about the school itself, such as the DOE School ID and State Organization ID

Both of these values are pulled from the Data Exchange Settings page, although you won't see them on the Submissions page even if the submission process is successful.

Student Programs

The Student Programs resource will pull valid Programs from the Students tab. While only the Program Type will be displayed on this page, the Begin Date, Exit Date, and Exit Reason are also submitted to Data Exchange.

For more information about setting up Student Programs, please click here.


The Staff resource submits various data for Staff that have met all Data Exchange requirements.

If a Staff member in Gradelink doesn't meet all requirements, their data will not be submitted to Data Exchange and they won't show up on the Submission tab. Those requirements are:

  • The Staff member must be marked as "Active" in Gradelink
  • The Staff member must have at least one Email Address
  • The Staff member must have a Hire Date
  • The Staff member must have an Employment Status
  • The Staff member must have a State Personnel Number (SPN)

For more information on preparing Staff in Gradelink for submission to Data Exchange, please click here.

Staff Education Organization Employment Associations (EOEA)

The Staff Education Organization Employment Associations resource (or EOEA) submits data about each Staff member's Employment Status at the school.


The Parents resource submits all parent or guardians listed in the Demographics section of the Students tab. It's important to note that Gradelink will not submit parents that are only listed in the Contacts section of the Students tab. 

For more information on making sure Parent data is recorded correctly in Gradelink, please click here.

Student Parent Associations

The Student Parent Associations resource is used to list not just each student's parents but also which one(s) they live with, if any. 

For more information about specifying which parent a Student lives with, please click here.

Staff Education Organization Assignment Associations (EOAA)

The Staff Education Organization Assignment Associations resource (or EOAA) submits data about the Staff member's role at the school. 

This includes the optional Job Title field as well as Classification, which in Gradelink is referred to as "Access Type". Access Type simply indicates whether the Staff member is a Teacher, Principal, or Administrator at your school.

Staff Education Organization Contact Associations (EOCA)

The Staff Education Organization Contact Associations resource (or EOCA) submits Staff contact information, which for Gradelink and Data Exchange only includes Email Addresses.

Please note that Gradelink only sends the contents of the "School" email address field and ignores "Personal" and "Other" email addresses.